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General Conditions

  1. Bike Rental

  2. DECORSAGRES, Dcoração e Turismo, Lda. Rent to "Customer" identified in the conditions of the rental agreement, the vehicle described therein, the following terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, the Customer acknowledges, agrees and undertakes to observe, comply with and respect:
  3. 2. The product available to rent is a bicycle and accessories mentioned in the "Particular Conditions", The accessories kit or part of it will only be provided to the customer upon request.
  4. 3. The rental starts the day and time of the bicycle pick up at the Decorsagres headquarters, for as many days as indicated in the Particular Conditions.
  5. 4. Pick-up of the rented product is the responsibility of the person who signed the contract at the place where the contract was signed. The customer acknowledges that the product he received is clean and in good working condition. Any observations about the product condition must be written down at the time of pickup.
  6. 5. The customer is responsible for the accidental theft of any equipment and for all loss and damage. Thus, upon signing the Particular Conditions, he will be asked to pay an amount equivalent to the commercial value of the product(s) if lost, damaged or stolen.
  7. 6. If the bicycle during the rental period shows malfunction and it is not caused by the customer, the bicycle will be replaced with one in good working condition for the duration of the contract. In case of malfunction due to abuse or neglect, the customer will be required to make payment for the bicycle repair.
  8. 7. The customer acknowledges that he has received instructions concerning the proper use of the rented product, and will convey the information to all users; stating in his name and in the name of other beneficiaries, that he is able to operate the rental product. The customer is also required to observe all the instructions he has received, to respect the laws and rules in effect concerning the use of the bicycle, especially the traffic rules. It is also strongly recommended to use a helmet. The customer operates the bicycle at his own responsibility, choosing his own itinerary, as long as there is no particular condition imposed by Decorsagres when the contract was signed.
  9. 8. The return of the equipment should be done at the same place where picked up, clean and in the same working condition as when rented, allowing for normal use and wear and tear of the bicycle. The customer can be late no more than 15 minutes when returning the rented equipment, otherwise an additional charge of one hour rent will apply, except under justified excuses.
  10. 9. The customer agrees to pay for all expenses related to abnormal use of the rented item. The customer will be responsible for the repair related to flat tires, falls and losses, as well as all repairs needed due to an abusive or abnormal use of the rental product. The items, parts and accessories that can't in any way be repaired will be replaced and charged to the customer. The customer is required to pay the total due of all repairs and replacements.
  11. 10. Under no circumstances, can Decorsagres be held responsible for accidents or loss caused to the customer or any third party as a result of the renting of equipment.
  12. 11. The Client has part of an insured insurance policy covering civil liability to third parties in accordance with applicable laws in the country
  13. 12. The amount due must be paid in full, in cash, at the time of renting the product. In case the customer returns the product before the date specified in the hire agreement, there will be no refund for the period of time remaining.
  14. 13. Lost or broken equipment
    • This is not a complete list of bicycle components and prices: it is an indicator of the cost charged for improper use and damage done to the bicycles or equipment. These prices do include the price of labor.
    • Failure to return the Bicycle (complete loss or irreparable damage) 300 Euros
    • Failure to return the helmet (complete loss or irreparable damage) 40 Euros
    • Failure to return the multifunction key (complete loss or irreparable damage) 20 Euros
    • Failure to return the air pump (complete loss or irreparable damage) 15 Euros
    • Failure to return the tire removal tools (complete loss or irreparable damage) 3 Euros
    • Broken front wheel 70 Euros
    • Broken rear wheel 90 Euros
    • Warped wheel 15 Euros plus 2.50 Euros for each broken spoke
    • Broken/bent fork 150 Euros
    • Broken/bent support rear derailleur 25 Euros
    • Broken/bent rear derailleur 30 Euros
    • Broken/bent front derailleur 30 Euros
    • Broken gear shift 30 Euros
    • Broken brake lever 30 Euros
    • Broken pedal 20 Euros
    • Flat/damaged tire 25 Euros
    • Flat inner tube 15 Euros
    • Lost/damaged seat 30 Euros
    • Lost/damaged seat stem 20 Euros
    • Broken Chain 20€

Warning: To avoid any damage to the chains and both derailleur, DON'T use the following combinations.

  • Big front derailleur – Big rear derailleur
  • Small front derailleur – Small rear derailleur

  1. Scooter Rental

  2. DECORSAGRES, Lda, rent to "customer" identified in the conditions of the rental agreement, the vehicle described therein, the following terms and conditions contained in this agreement, the customer acknowledges, agrees and undertakes to observe, comply with and respect:
  3. 1. The customer (driver) states that the received vehicle on the date of signing the contract is in perfect condition, equipped with all fittings and two tires in good condition and undertakes to return the vehicle in the conditions it was delivered with all documents for the vehicle.
  4. 2. The rented vehicle will only be driven by the customer (driver) who undertakes to:
    • a) Use normal and prudent vehicle safety, complying with applicable laws and regulations;
    • b) Do not use the vehicle in competitions of any kind;
    • c) Do not use the vehicle under the influence of alcohol or narcotics;
    • d) Do not use the vehicle to transport passengers or goods in violation of what the vehicle is licensed for;
    • e) Pay all fines, penalties, fees and similar charges related to the use or possession of the vehicle during the rental period;
    • f) Return the vehicle on the expiry of the rental with all equipment and documents mentioned in the agreed conditions as well as in good and normal conditions of usage;
    • g) Do not use the vehicle on beaches, off-road or inappropriate locations for normal circulation, otherwise the customer (driver) will be subject to the payment of maintenance.
  5. 3. The minimum age of the customer (driver) is 18 years old and should be in possession of an identity document and valid driver's license.
  6. 4. The vehicle rented under cover of this contract is only allowed to move in the Algarve region and can not travel to another country.
  7. 5. The minimum rental period is one day (24 hours). The use of the rental vehicle beyond the time originally agreed requires the payment of extra hours.
  8. 6. The customer (driver) is obliged to return the vehicle, on the date specified in this agreement at the premises of DECORSAGRES, Lda, where it was delivered, within hours, not doing so the contract will be considered terminated.
  9. 7. The return of the vehicle is only considered valid after physical verification by the DECORSAGRES, Lda, and the customer (driver) is responsible for payment of all damages incurred up to that point.
  10. 8. It is forbidden to breach the odometer. Should this occur, DECORSAGRES, Lda, is hereby authorized to debit the customer (driver) 500 km / day, without prejudice to the prosecution of fraudulent use.
  11. 9. The rental payment is made upon delivery of the vehicle as well as the security deposit. The deposit will be refunded upon returning the vehicle if it is returned on the agreed conditions, if the vehicle is damaged, the deposit will be used to cover the damage.
  12. 10. If the customer (driver) wishes to extend the rental period initially contracted and in order to avoid disputes go to the premises of DECROSAGRES, Lda., to upgrade your contract 24 hours before the finish and immediately pay the amount of rent and ongoing prepayment for the extra hours.
  13. 11. DECORSAGRES, Lda has the right to reduce the rental period and require the return of the vehicle if the customer (driver) does not comply with the conditions of contract.
  14. 12. The rental price includes 150 km per day any extra km is taxed at 0.25€ each.
  15. 13. Prices do not include; fuel, washing, parking fees, tolls, fines, towing vehicle in case of accident or by the authorities, and damage to the vehicle even if these are caused by third parties.
  16. 14. The vehicle is delivered to the customer (driver) with a full tank and should therefore be returned full at the end of the rental period also at their expense. If for any reason the customer (driver) is unable to fill the tank, DECORSAGRES, Lda will charge the equivalent to the missing fuel.
  17. 15. In case of introduction of different kind of fuel used by the vehicle, the customer (driver) is responsible for the expenses of full replacement of the fuel, dismantling and cleaning of the tank, engine tuning and other damage to the vehicle.
  18. 16. The Customer is obligated to make payments as soon as it is requested and upon proof made by DECORSAGRES, Lda., the following costs:
    • a) The amount corresponding to the mileage and / or used, the mileage will be determined by reading the odometer installed in the vehicle by the manufacturer. In case of failure of the odometer it must immediately be reported for repair purposes, the calculation will be madein accordance with paragraph 8.
    • b) The amount corresponding to the fuel, in case you do not return the vehicle in accordance with paragraph 14;
    • c) Charges for minor damage: customer (driver) also undertakes to pay the small vehicle damage resulting from their use in the period of the lease, for this purpose we consider the damage checked upon return of the vehicle and not marked on the agreement on the date of its beginning and whose conference is joint obligation of the customer (driver) and DECORSAGRES, Lda..
  19. 17. The customer (driver) as part of an insured automobile insurance policy covering civil liability to third parties in accordance with applicable laws in the country.
  20. 18. The customer (driver) agrees to protect the interests of DECORSAGRES, Lda. and Insurance Company of the holder of the rental vehicle in the event of an accident during the rental period, forcing himself to mention participation in the circumstances in which the accident occurred, the date, time, location, name and address of the witness, the name and address of the owner and the driver of the third party involved and the registration mark Insurance Company and policy number as well, does not declare, in no case responsible or guilty, do not leave the vehicle without taking appropriate measures to protect and safeguard, notify the competent authorities (PSP or GNR) and the DECORSAGRES, Lda. immediately.
  21. 19. At rental time, the customer (driver) may choose to contract an additional personal accident insurance.
  22. 20. This rental agreement is made in accordance with Portuguese law and is governed by them.
  23. 21. The parts agree to establish the district court of Lagos to resolve any conflicts emerging from disagreement of contractual issues, with express exclusion of any other.
  1. Surf Rental

  2. By agreeing to this Release Agreement you will waive certain legal rights, including the right to sue. Assumption of Risk: I am aware that surfing is an activity that involves the risk of injury or even death. I am aware that there is a risk of negligence, including the failure, by DECORSAGRES Lda. or its agents or assigns to safeguard or protect me from or warn me of the risks, dangers and hazards of surfing. I freely accept and fully assume all risks, dangers and hazards associated with participating in an DECORSAGRES, Lda. surfing rental or event and the possibility of loss, personal injury or death resulting therefrom.
  3. In consideration of participating in an DECORSAGRES Lda. surfing rental or event I hereby agree as follows:
  4. 1. To waive any and all claims that I have or may in the future have against DECORSAGRES Lda and to release DECORSAGRES Lda from any and all liability for any loss, damage, expense or injury, including death, that I may suffer or that my next-of-kin may suffer as a result of my participation in an DECORSAGRES Lda surfing rental or event due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence, breach of contract or breach of any statutory or other duty of care, on the part of DECORSAGRES Lda, and further including the failure on the part of DECORSAGRES Lda to safeguard or protect me from or warn me of the risks, dangers and hazards of participating in an DECORSAGRES Lda surfing rental or event;
  5. 2. To hold harmless and indemnify DECORSAGRES Lda from any and all liability for any property damage or personal injury to any third party resulting from my participation in an DECORSAGRES Lda surfing rental or event;
  6. 3. This Release Agreement shall be effective and binding upon my heirs, next-of-kin, executors, administrators, assigns and representatives, in the event of my death or incapacity;
  7. 4. This Release Agreement and any rights, duties and obligations as between the parties to this Release Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted solely in accordance with the laws of the State of Portugal and no other jurisdiction;
  8. 5. Any obligation involving the parties to this Release Agreement shall be brought solely within the State of Portugal;
  9. 6. When engaging in the rental or use of DECORSAGRES Lda equipment I agree to accept all responsibility to maintain the condition and whereabouts of all the equipment rented for the entire rental period and to pay all repair and/or replacement costs for any damage or the that may occur to equipment during the rental period. Should I damage a surfboard, I agree to pay a surfboard damage fee not to exceed 100€ per surfboard. Should I lose, or severely damage a surfboard, I agree to pay a replacement fee not to exceed 400€ per surfboard.
  10. 7. If I am not present during the delivery or return of the surfboard, I will be fully responsible for any loss, theft or damage to surfboard.
  11. 8. If the participant is a minor, the parent or legal guardian warrants and represents that this Release Agreement, it's significance and the assumption of risk, has been explained to and understood by the minor child or ward. I hereby declare, under penalty or perjury, that I am the parent or legal guardian of the named participant.